Tiny Tyrants - Part One
I'm happy to be able to reveal the first set release of the year...Tiny Tyrants! You can thank my irl bestie Alice for coming up with the name 😂
This set will include at least 2 parts so that we have enough to time to produce all the elements that I have planned. This first part focuses on the main large furniture pieces, but there are more to follow next month along with more decorative pieces.
I was inspired by an Ikea loft bed and wanted to make a kids set that was not only fun to create, but fun for you to decorate with. I spent quite a significate chunk of my time this past week creating a new colour palette that included not only bold and vibrant colours, but also some calmer pastel colours. Of course as always there are neutrals thrown in, but there is very much a strong emphasis on colour. I've included a gif of all the loft bed colour combinations in this post too.
If you have any item suggestion as always feel free to leave them below :)
Items Include:
Top Bunk Bed
Loft Bed (w/ clothes rail)
Single Bed
Toddler Bed
Bedside Table
Shelves (long & short)
Wardrobe Door (open & closed)
Mural Wallpaper (10 swatches)
Pegboard Wallpaper (27 swatches)
All items are Base Game compatible. The majority can be found by searching with the keyword TINY TYRANTS in the b/b catalogue, however the 2 wallpapers have to be found manually in the build catalogue.
As per usual textures are linked between similar items, so if you download the unmerged file, make sure to include all items from that family, so the textures appear correctly in your game.